16 Things About Me


I’ve recently discovered and become a fan of Brene’s inspiring blog. Along with the wisdom and food for thought to be found there is a challenge to list 16 things about yourself. Here goes nothing. Thanks, Brene!

1. I’m quite introverted. I find interacting with most people to be draining. Even after I’ve spent time with someone whose company I thoroughly enjoy, I feel the need to retreat into solitude and recharge my batteries.

2. I’m a passionate animal lover.

3. I believe the solution to any problem or dilemma can be found in a book.

4. I buy books obsessively, always looking and hoping for the rare book(s) that actually will change my life. 

5. I haven’t always been a good friend.

6. After years of eating out and ordering in, I’ve discovered that I actually like to cook and that I truly love to bake.

7. I was raised by atheist parents and have, from a very young age, grappled with the big questions and my own spirituality. I’m fascinated by religion and have always envied people of faith. 

8. I believe aging is a privilege for which I try to be grateful.

9. I also believe that aging well is the best revenge.

10. My comfort food of choice is a coffee-shop tuna melt (sourdough bread, swiss cheese, tomatoes) and fries.

11. I almost never eat animal flesh. The only thing that keeps me from embracing vegetarianism completely is my aforementioned need for the occasional therapeutic tuna melt. 

12. I love music but mostly I love great singing and great singers regardless of genre. 

13. Frank Sinatra’s voice gives me a visceral thrill every time I hear it.

14. I once sang semi-professionally. The prospect of getting up on stage now feels daunting.

15. 2008 was the second-most difficult year of my adult life.  I can see now that the losses I experienced were necessary and that my life, as I was living it, was a lie, so much of what I held dear amounting to little more than smoke and mirrors.

16. My intention, going forward, is to live with authenticity and integrity.

If you have a blog, consider yourself tagged. Please post a link to your 16 things.  If you’re not a blogger, that’s OK, too. Go ahead and post your list as a comment.

It’s a thought-provoking exercise. You’ll be glad you did.



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4 Responses to 16 Things About Me

  1. This is quite a task you are asking of us!I like your photos of Pasadena.I was born and grew up there.It has always been a special place for me. Thanks for the memories.I will think about those 16 things!

  2. pix & kardz says:

    Hi Caryn,

    I bumped into your writer’s blog as well and have read a number of your posts. You certainly write well, and honestly. Thanks for sharing this thoughtful list. I just might have to try to create one myself one of these days.

    Do take care & have a relaxing weekend,

    • Caryn says:

      Hi Chris…It’s funny… Just as I was considering deleting this blog (and the one that preceded it) these old, rather revealing posts are, for whatever reason, generating a wee bit of interest from the blogosphere. Some of this stuff is painful, and even a bit embarrassing, to revisit and yet it makes me grateful for the healthier and more authentic life I’m managing to cobble together. Thanks for that and for your kind words about my writing. :-)

      • pix & kardz says:

        Hi Caryn,

        Well, no pressure from me to keep them posted :)

        Sometimes some things are for a season, and sometimes there is a next season where the old simply needs to be gently but firmly wrapped and put away without apology. That, too, speaks of authenticity.

        Have a good one,

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